
Maritime Cyprus Conference

09 October 2022 - 12 October 2022

Carob Mill Conference Centre, Limassol

The Maritime Cyprus Conference is ready to open its doors and welcome shipping executives from all over the world to discuss the “Shipping Response to the 3 Cs: Crises-Challenges-Competitiveness”.

The Conference, taking place in person between 9-12 October 2022 in Limassol, will tackle a wide range of challenging topics concerning the hastily changing maritime industry. Topics from decarbonization, green ship financing approaches, digital transformation, autonomous vessels, seafarers’ welfare and rights will be discussed by an exciting line up of shipping experts.

The leaders of the shipping industry participating in this year’s Conference, include the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization, the European Commissioner for Transport, the Presidents of the International Chamber of Shipping, ECSA, BIMCO as well as renowned shipowners and world class experts of the maritime sector.

One of the first opportunities to meet in person, this year’s event is expected to attract the elite of the shipping industry. In line with the conference trademark, format and style, the majority of the panel discussions will take place in the mornings, with the afternoons free for meetings and networking.

The conference offers an important opportunity to discuss – and put into action – ways of creating progress within the industry. Looking forward to welcoming influencers from all over the world, including senior representatives from the International Maritime Organization, the European Union, the International Chamber of Shipping, the European Community Shipowners Association, the Cyprus maritime cluster and the international shipping industry.

Now is the time to accelerate change and reconnect, face to face in the warmth of the Cypriot sunshine and welcome.

To see the full programme of the Conference and register your place, click here.

For more information, please contact:

Shipping Deputy Ministry

Tel: (+357) 25 804 900

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Cooperation Partners
  • Logo for Cyprus Investment Funds Association
  • Logo for Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism
  • Logo for Cyprus Shipping Chamber
  • Logo for Love Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism
  • Logo for Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Logo for Invest Cyprus
  • Logo for Association of Cyprus Banks
  • Logo for CYFA Cyprus
  • Logo for Cyprus International Businesses Association