Doing Business


Cyprus offers one of the most attractive tax regimes in Europe. A member of the European Union since 2004, Cyprus’ regulatory regime is in full compliance with the requirements of the EU and OECD. Cyprus has one of the lowest EU corporate tax rates at 12.5%. The island’s advantageous tax rate coupled with an extensive list of double tax treaties places it high on the list of preferred jurisdictions for international tax planners.

Key Features of the Cyprus Tax System

  • Simple, transparent and EU harmonised tax system following recommended OECD practices.
  • Enjoys the tax benefits of EU Directives (Parent – Subsidiary Directive, Merger Directive and Interest and Royalties Directive).
  • Extensive Tax Treaty network with more than 65 countries.
  • A corporate income tax rate of 12.5%, one of the lowest within the EU with possibility to enjoy a much lower effective tax rate.
  • Availability of a Notional Interest Deduction for companies receiving new equity funding. The tax deduction can reach up to 80% of the taxable income generated by the new equity.
  • IP Box regime based on the nexus approach which allows 80% deemed deduction on qualifying profits from the business use of qualifying IP.
  • Increased deduction of 20% on the actual expenditure incurred for scientific research as well as research and development, subject to conditions.
  • Attractive Tonnage Tax (TT) regime for ship owners, managers and charterers.
  • Attractive tax jurisdiction for funds and attractive tax regime for fund managers.
  • Capital gains are exempt from tax (except for capital gains arising from the disposal of immovable property located in Cyprus).
  • Profits of a foreign Permanent Establishment exempt from tax, subject to conditions.
  • Gains from trading in securities (shares, bonds and certain other financial instruments) are exempt from tax.
  • Unilateral credit relief for foreign taxes.
  • No withholding tax on dividend, interest or royalty payments (for use of royalties outside of Cyprus) made abroad, unless these are made to EU blacklisted jurisdictions (relevant conditions apply).
  • No taxes on qualifying reorganisations.
  • Carry forward of tax losses for five years.
  • Tax incentives for expatriate employees taking up employment in Cyprus (20%/50% exemption).
  • Dividend income and passive interest income are exempt from SDC for non-domiciled individuals taking up tax residency in Cyprus (eligibility for 17 years).
  • Possibility to obtain Cyprus tax residency by spending only 60-days in Cyprus (subject to conditions).
  • No inheritance tax.
  • No immovable property tax.

Corporation Tax

The Corporation Tax Rate: 12.5%.

Basis of taxation

All companies that are tax residents of Cyprus are taxed on their income accrued or derived from all sources in Cyprus and abroad. A non-Cyprus tax resident company is taxed on income accrued or derived from a business activity which is carried out through a permanent establishment in Cyprus and on certain income arising from sources in Cyprus. A company is considered tax resident of Cyprus if it is managed and controlled from Cyprus. As of 2023, a Cyprus incorporated company is by default considered a tax resident of Cyprus provided it is not tax resident in any other jurisdiction.

Special Types of Companies

Shipping companies 

The Merchant Shipping Legislation, fully approved by the EU, provides for an exemption from all direct taxes and taxation under the tonnage tax system. The merchant shipping legislation applies to qualifying shipowners, charterers and ship managers, which are involved with the operation of qualifying community ships (ships under a CY flag or a flag of an EU member state or of a country in the European Economic Area) and foreign (non-community) ships (under conditions) and provided that they engage in qualifying activities. The legislation allows non community vessels to enter the tonnage tax system provided the fleet is composed by at least 60% community vessels. If this requirement is not met, then non community vessels can still qualify if certain criteria are met. Exemption is also given in relation to the salaries of officers and crew aboard a Cyprus ship.

Insurance companies 

Profits of insurance companies are liable to corporation tax similar to all other companies except in the case where the corporation tax payable on the taxable profit of life insurance business is less than 1.5% of the gross premium. In this case the difference is paid as an additional corporation tax.

Administration and Compliance

Tax Year: The tax year is the calendar year. The accounts of a company may be closed on a date different from 31st of December, in which case taxable profits are time apportioned to the relevant tax years.

Consolidated Returns: Taxation on a consolidated basis is not permitted and each company is required to submit a separate standalone tax return. A set-off of group losses is possible provided there is at least 75% parent subsidiary relationship, including subsidiaries under at least 75% control of a common parent company. Group loss relief is available only between resident companies (and EU-based companies, provided that they have exhausted all options to utilize the losses in their country of residence).

Filing Requirements:  Corporate tax returns must be filed electronically by the 31st of March of the year following the year under consideration (i.e. 15 months from the year-end). Companies are required to pay provisional tax in two equal instalments by 31st of July and 31st of December of the year under consideration. Any underpayment is due to be settled via self-assessment by 1st of August of the following year. If the income declared for the payment of the provisional tax is lower than 75% of the actual income as finally determined, an additional tax equal to 10% of the difference between the final and provisional tax is payable.

Personal Income Tax

All Cyprus tax residents are taxed in Cyprus on all income accrued or derived from all sources in Cyprus and abroad such as employment income, rental income etc. (i.e. worldwide income).

Individuals who are not tax residents of Cyprus are taxed on income accrued or derived from sources in Cyprus.

An individual is tax resident in Cyprus if one of the following conditions are met:

  • he/she spends physically in Cyprus over 183 days during the relevant tax year; or
  • he/she does not remain in any other state for one or more periods which altogether exceed 183 days in the same tax year and he/she is not tax resident in any other state for the same tax year and all the following conditions are cumulatively met:
  • he/she should remain in Cyprus for at least 60 days during the tax year;
  • he/she should pursue any business in Cyprus and/or to work in Cyprus and/or to be a director in a company tax resident in Cyprus at any time during the tax year;
  • he/she should maintain a permanent residence in Cyprus, which can be either owned or rented.

Personal Tax Rates

The following income tax rates apply to individuals:

Taxable Income

Tax Rate (%)

Tax (€)

Cumulative Tax (€)





19,501- 28,000












60,001 and over


Tax Incentives for Employees Taking Up Employment in Cyprus

(a)    Individuals who were non-Cypriot tax residents prior to the commencement of their employment, but become Cypriot tax residents afterwards, are eligible for a 50% exemption from income tax if all the following conditions are met:

    -  their remuneration from the employment exercised in Cyprus is over €55,000 per annum; and

     - they were not tax residents of Cyprus for 15 (or 10 – subject to conditions) consecutive years prior to the commencement of their employment.

The exemption is granted from the first year of employment and it can be enjoyed for a period of 17 years.

(b)    Individuals with annual remuneration below €55,000 who were non-Cypriot tax residents in the 3 years preceding their employment, are eligible for a 20% exemption from income tax (maximum exempt amount is €8,550 per year).

The exemption is available from the 1st of January following the year of commencement of the employment and can be enjoyed for a period of 7 years. 

(c)    Exemption of the remuneration from the rendering of salaried services outside Cyprus to a non-resident employer, or to a permanent establishment outside Cyprus of a resident employer, for an aggregate period in the year of assessment of more than 90 days.

Submission of tax returns

The tax year is the calendar year. 

Tax on employment income is withheld by the employer under the PAYE system and remitted to the tax authorities. 

Self-employed individuals pay tax through the provisional and self-assessment systems. Tax returns must be filed electronically by 31st of July following the tax year for employees and 31st of March of the year following the year under consideration (i.e. 15 months from the year-end) for self-employed persons whose returns are accompanied by audited/reviewed financial statements. 

Sole proprietors with an annual turnover of more than €70,000 are obliged to prepare financial statements that are either audited or are subject to a limited assurance review by a statutory auditor (the latter in case their annual turnover and certain other sources of income do not exceed the amount of €200,000 and the total value of the assets without deducting liabilities does not exceed the amount of €500,000, for at least two consecutive years).

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Imposition of Value Added Tax (VAT) is imposed on the supply of all goods and services in Cyprus, on the acquisition of goods from other Member States and on the importation of goods from third countries. The standard rate of 19% applies to the supplies of all goods and services in Cyprus which are not subject to the zero rate, the reduced rates (3%, 5% and 9%) or are not exempt. Cyprus constitutes an attractive EU VAT jurisdiction applying several options permissible by the EU Directive among others a flexible VAT Grouping. As long as the pre-requisite links are satisfied, and governmental revenues are not put into jeopardy, related entities can form a VAT group disregarding intra-group transactions and having a representative member submitting a single VAT return.

Special contribution for defence

Special contribution for defence (“SDC”) is imposed on the dividend, interest and rental income earned by Cypriot tax resident and domiciled individuals. Non-domiciled Cypriot tax residents are exempt from SDC.

Submission of tax returns

The tax year is the calendar year. Tax on employment income is withheld by the employer under the PAYE system and remitted to the tax authorities. Self-employed individuals pay tax through the provisional and self-assessment systems. Tax returns must be filed electronically by 31st of July following the tax year for employees, 30th of September for self-employed persons who are not required to file audited/reviewed financial statements and 31st of March of the year following the year under consideration (i.e. 15 months from the year-end) for self-employed persons whose returns are accompanied by audited/reviewed financial statements. Sole proprietors with an annual turnover of more than €70,000 are obliged to prepare financial statements that are either audited or are subject to a review by a statutory auditor (in case their net turnover does not exceed the amount of €200,000 and the total value of the assets without deducting liabilities does not exceed the amount of €500,000).

Cyprus has concluded double taxation treaties with 68 countries which provide important tax advantages.

Cyprus Double Tax Treaties

Czech RepublicQatar
EstoniaSan Marino
EthiopiaSaudi Arabia
HungarySouth Africa
IranSwiss Confederation
JerseyThe States of Guernsey
KazakhstanUnited Arab Emirates
Kingdom of BahrainUnited Kingdom

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December 2024

Cooperation Partners
  • Logo for Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism
  • Logo for Invest Cyprus
  • Logo for Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Logo for Love Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism
  • Logo for Association of Cyprus Banks
  • Logo for Cyprus Investment Funds Association
  • Logo for CYFA Cyprus
  • Logo for Cyprus Shipping Chamber
  • Logo for Cyprus International Businesses Association