
DEFA has the exclusive right to import and supply natural gas to all consumers in Cyprus. DEFA will develop and manage the gas network infrastructure. It will construct gas transmission lines and support a virtual network, provide bunkering services for ships and also natural gas for transportation.
DEFA also owns 70% of ETYFA (30% owned by EAC), a special purpose subsidiary company that will own and manage the LNG Import Terminal (comprising an FSRU, Jetty, pipelines and onshore facilities). The Terminal’s EPCOM contract with the international consortium was signed in December 2019. Completion is expected in 2022.
13 Limassol Ave, Demetra Tower, 4th Floor, 2112 Nicosia | P. O. Box 24954, 1305 Nicosia - CYPRUS
Tel: (+357) 22 761 761
Website: Visit
Secretary/PA to the Executive Chairman