articles | 29 July 2021

Walk-in jab centres being opened to people not on Gesy

People who are not registered in the national health scheme (Gesy) will be able to get vaccinated for free against Covid-19 at the walk-in vaccination centres starting Friday August 6, the health ministry announced on Wednesday.

Following a number of inquiries regarding the vaccination of non-Gesy beneficiaries, the health ministry announced that those will be able to get vaccinated every Friday, starting next week, at the walk-in vaccination centres operating across the island.

Until now, those not with Gesy had to follow a time-consuming process to register for vaccinations. They were also initially only offered AstraZeneca while Gesy beneficiaries had a choice of vaccines. That changed in late May when the health ministry recommended that those under 50 should opt for mRNA vaccines – Moderna or Pfizer. This applied to non-Gesy people as well.

More information regarding the vaccination of non-Gesy beneficiaries or those not registered under Gesy will be announced in the coming days, the health ministry said.

Meanwhile, the Cyprus University of Technology (Tepak) said it will operate a free walk-in vaccination centre at its premises on Thursday to facilitate the coronavirus vaccination of students and staff of the university.

The centre will also target students from the state university of Cyprus (UCy), Tepak announced in a press release.

It will operate between 8.30am and 2pm at the Tassos Papadopoulos building in amphitheatre number 2. Access to the building is available from Ifigenias Street.

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Dr Christina Yiannaki as well as the new president of Tepak Frixos Savvides will visit the centre at 9.15am and will give statements to the media.

People wishing to get vaccinated will be served based on a first-come-first-served bases after presenting their identification documents.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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