articles | 13 July 2021

Walk in Covid-19 vaccination clinics in operation as of Thursday

Walk in Covid-19 vaccination clinics will be in operation all across Cyprus as of Thursday, the health ministry has announced.

First and second dose jabs will be available at all sites for anyone aged 18 or over, it also said.

At the same time, the government has mobilised semi-governmental and private service organizations, banks, employers’ organizations and entrepreneurs in efforts to provide additional vaccination incentives – targeting mainly young people.

Meanwhile, tension is high in crowded places where  SafePass checks take place, while the Minister of Health on Monday met with KEVE and OEB representatives in a bid to execute a joint policy with citizens who react against the inspections. These could be either customers or employees.

A Safepass presentation is mandatory in almost all hospitality venues and other gathering places following a government decree aiming to curb the spread of coronavirus in Cyprus.

The new measures are in effect till July 31, and the government’s goal is to minimise the possibility of the virus transmission in all places where a large number of people gather.

Infection clusters have been traced to places where large gatherings take place while large transmission chains are mainly made up of youths with intense social activity and who are not vaccinated.

Covid-19 infections in Cyprus have reached high triple figures in recent weeks.

Source: In-Cyprus


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