articles | 12 August 2021

“Walk-In” coronavirus vaccination centers at high schools under consideration

The government is considering the possible operation of “Walk-In” vaccination centers in secondary schools in a bid to facilitate students who wish to do so after the consent of parents is granted.

This is what Philenews reported on Thursday, adding that such a possibility will be preceded with a targeted and well documented information campaign on the controversial issue of vaccination.

A meeting on Wednesday at the Ministry of Education between Minister Prodromos Prodromou, his counterpart on health Michalis Hadzipandelas and representatives of student organisations also focused on this issue.

Covid-19 scientists advising the government will discuss the issue of the “Walk-In” vaccination centres at schools first before decisions are taken.

But while this issue is currently at an early stage, another related one has been clarified, according to insiders.

Apparently, both the health and education ministries have agreed with teachers and organized parents for free rapid tests in schools to continue.

And it is expected that in high schools where a SafePass is manatory mobile units will be in operation providing free rapid tests to all students.

Source: In-Cyprus

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