In addition, Cypriots used their cards for cash withdrawals or purchases abroad worth €112.4m in April after rising an annual 22%, JCC said in an emailed statement on Tuesday. In January to April, the value of cash withdrawals and purchases by Cypriots abroad with the use of a card rose 18% to €438.5m.
Tourists to Cyprus used credit cards to buy products and services worth €55.9m in April and €164.7m between January and April, which was in both cases 11% higher compared to the respective period of 2015, the payment processing company said.
In April, users of Turkish cards used plastic money for purchases worth €2m, JCC said. Holders of Cypriot cards made purchases worth €647,022 in Cyprus’ Turkish held area and €258,947 in Turkey.
In the first four months of the year the value of goods purchased by holders of Turkish cards in Cyprus was €7.4m, while the value of purchases of Cypriots in Cyprus’ Turkish held areas and Turkey was €2.4m and €990,378 respectively.
Source: Cyprus Mail