However, on the basis of actual data the number of registered unemployed is at the 2nd highest level in the last 10 months.
According to the data, the number of registered unemployed at the end of February 2016 was 45,961 on the basis of the District Labour Offices records. This is the highest level in the last 10 months after an increase was recorded last month to 45,969 people.
Compared to February 2015, a drop of 4,279 persons was recorded or 8.5% (real data) which is mainly attributed to the sectors of construction (drop of 1,231 unemployed), public administration (drop of 903 unemployed), manufacturing (drop of 690), commerce (drop of 586), financial and insurance activities (drop of 373) and news & communications (drop of 297).
However, on the basis of the seasonally adjusted data which show the unemployment`s tendency, the number of registered unemployed fell this February to 41,238 people, compared to 41,537 in the previous month. This is the lowest level of registered unemployed in the last 34 months (since April 2013).
Compared to February 2015, a drop of 3,882 persons or 8.6%.
Source: Famagusta Gazette