Unemployed people registered at the District Labour Offices on the last day of July 2020, reached 32,313 persons, according to a press release issued on Wednesday by the Statistical Service.
Based on the seasonally adjusted data that show the trends of unemployment, the number of registered unemployed for July 2020 decreased to 33,082 persons in comparison to 33,243 in the previous month.
In comparison with July 2019, an increase of 11,731 persons or 57.0% was recorded, attributed mainly to the sectors of accommodation and food service activities, an increase of 6,255, trade, an increase of 1,724, transportation and storage, an increase of 860, administrative and support service activities, an increase of 581, professional, scientific and technical activities, an increase of 460, and arts, entertainment and recreation, an increase of 325.
It is noted that according to the information of the Department of Labour, the comparison of the data from March 2020 onwards, with the data of the previous months is not considered objective.
It is further clarified that this is due to the implementation by the Public Employment Service of the extraordinary measures announced by the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance for automatic renewals of registered unemployed and new registrations of unemployed people without their physical presence in order to avoid the spread of corona virus.
Source: In-Cyprus