articles | 04 August 2021

Underwater works at Amathus completed

The antiquities department announced on Tuesday the completion of underwater works and digital mapping of the ancient port of Amathus in Limassol which is to operate as an underwater archaeological park.

The project is within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund programme ANDIKAT that aims to highlight and promote underwater archaeological and natural heritage through the creation of diving routes in marine protected areas in Greece and Cyprus.

“The next stage of promoting this unique underwater ancient monument includes the installation of signs both on land and in the sea, to inform and guide the visitor to the ancient port of Amathus, as well as the development of a mobile phone application and the publication of an information brochure,” the antiquities department said.

According to the University of Cyprus’ Maritime Archaeological Research Laboratory, the ancient port of Amathus, which is now underwater, was selected for the creation of the first underwater archaeological park in Cyprus because of its unique character. “It is one of the best-preserved ancient harbour structures in the eastern Mediterranean, and the only such site in Cyprus that has not been disturbed by contemporary uses,” the research lab said. The preserved architectural remains, it added, are in shallow waters (0.80-1.50m) and close to the shore, so it is easily accessible to the wider public.

The ANDIKAT is co-funded by the EU and national resources from Greece and Cyprus (Interreg VA   Greece – Cyprus Programme “2014-2020”).

Source: Cyprus Mail

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