articles | 05 March 2019

UCy and Imperial plan to expand successful collaboration

The strategic partnership and the opportunities for research and study through the close collaboration between the University of Cyprus and Imperial College London was the focus of an event that was successfully organised by the Imperial College London and the Cypriot High Commission in the UK on February 27 in London.

The event entitled ‘Opportunities for Research and Study through Imperial College London – University of Cyprus Collaboration at the Kios Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence’ was under the auspices of the Cypriot High Commissioner to the UK, Euripides Evriviades.

The president of Imperial College, professor Alice Gast and Evriviades opened the event by stressing the importance of this collaboration and the contribution of the EU in facilitating the collaboration through the Kios Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence Teaming project.

Gast highlighted the outcomes of the strategic partnership between University of Cyprus and Imperial College, mentioning the already large number of Cypriot undergraduate and graduate students studying at Imperial and the collaboration in several research projects including more than 900 joint publications over the past five years.

She placed particular emphasis on the importance of the scientific areas of Kios and its relevance to the future critical infrastructure systems. Furthermore, she encouraged students and young researchers to take advantage of the education and mobility opportunities offered by the teaming project, one of these being the new collaborative MSc programme on Intelligent Critical Infrastructure Systems which will start in September 2019.

The High Commissioner thanked Imperial for this strategic collaboration and for sharing their experience, expertise and best practices which will also have an impact in changing the research and innovation culture of Cyprus.

Furthermore, this collaboration has initiated new educational activities including the new MSc programme which will be offered at the University of Cyprus by leading academics from Imperial and the University of Cyprus. The objective of this internationally unique and multidisciplinary programme is to teach highly innovative and intelligent system methods and tools from emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), for the purpose of tackling challenging problems such as monitoring, control, management and security in critical infrastructure systems. The programme will start in September 2019 and is currently accepting applications for student enrolment.

The event was open to the public and attracted more than 100 participants. It included presentations and a poster session with demonstrations by researchers of the centre.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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