articles | 31 December 2021

Traffic camera grace period ends

From January 1, motorists caught violating the highway code by the newly introduced traffic camera system will have fines sent to their homes.

Currently, the network is live with four fixed speed cameras at a busy Nicosia junction and four more mobile cameras.

The four cameras are at a busy Nicosia junction on Grivas Digheni and Demosthenis Severis Avenues.

The other four mobile cameras are placed strategically across the island according to a plan drafted by traffic police.

During the trial period launched on 25 October, the cameras recorded hundreds of violations a day.

Just in the first two days, the speed cams registered a whooping 1,700 traffic violations a day, as Cypriot motorists happily flouted the law.

Some 50% of traffic violations are speeding, while the rest are crossing a red light or violation of stop signs.

The system did not process photos of drivers for violations, such as not wearing a seatbelt or talking on a phone whilst driving.

As of January 1, when a driver is caught running a red light or stop sign or speeding, photos of the drivers will be analysed, and if caught committing a secondary violation, it will be added to the charge.

The €34 million project has Cyprus Police feeling confident the re-introduction of speed cameras will help reduce road accident-related deaths.

The project will be implemented in three phases, with 90 fixed cameras installed at 30 locations to monitor red light and stop sign violations.

Some 20 fixed and 16 mobile cameras will be installed during the first six months, with an additional 66 cameras in the third stage in the following 12 months.

According to police, the fines for offences monitored by the cameras are:

  • Speeding fines/points will be issued according to the excess speed
  • Not complying with the traffic light system: €300 and three penalty points
  • Not stopping before the designated line at a junction: €25
  • Not wearing a seatbelt: €150 and three penalty points
  • Using a mobile phone whilst driving: €150 and two penalty points
  • Not wearing a protective helmet whilst driving a motorcycle: €200 and three penalty points

Cyprus reintroduced traffic cameras 14 years after legal hiccups forced authorities to withdraw the first network installed.

Traffic cameras were first introduced in 2007, but technical and legal issues over the ownership of the platform and collection of fines forced the government to switch them off.

When Cyprus last introduced speed cameras in 12 locations, road accidents were reduced by over 50%.

Source: Financial Mirror

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