articles | 18 December 2019

Tourist arrivals at record high in November, and in first 11 months

Tourist arrivals in November and in the first eleven months of this year were at a record high for the time of the year, data released by the Cyprus Statistical Service on Tuesday showed.

In particular, according to the results of the passengers’ survey, arrivals reached169,392 in November compared with 158, 685 in November last year, an increase of 6.7 per cent.

“November 2019 had the highest volume of tourist arrivals ever recorded in Cyprus during the specific month,” the statistical service said.

For the period January –November 2019 tourist arrivals reached 3,866,447 compared with 3,832,062 in the same period of 2018, an increase of 0.9 per cent and “outnumbering the total arrivals ever recorded in Cyprus during the first eleven months of the year.”

According to the official data, arrivals from the UK increased by 10.4 per cent in November compared with November last year while an increase of 8.9 per cent was recorded in tourists arriving from Russia and 59.3 per cent from Israel.

On the other hand, a fall of 6 per cent in was seen in arrivals from Greece and 33.5 per cent from Germany.

The UK constituted the main source of tourism for Cyprus in November at 32.6 per cent while arrivals from Russia comprised 13.7 per cent of the total, Greece 8.6 per cent and Israel 7.7 per cent

Source: Cyprus Mail

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