articles | 11 May 2022

A total of €438,000 worth of bounced checks were recorded for the month of April

A total of €438,000 worth of bounced checks were recorded for the month of April, according to data announced by the CBC on Wednesday. This is the largest monthly value of bad checks recorded since 2020, and it corresponds to more than half of the total amount of bad checks recorded throughout 2020.

In January 2022 the total amount of bounced checks recorded was €149,558, in February € 93,811 and in March €64,852. In total, in 2021, €933,945 worth of bounced checks were recorded, while in 2020 the total amount was €741,700.

According to the CBC data, the number of individuals and legal entities registered in the preliminary list from January to April 2022 amounts to 81, while 69 persons were registered in the Central Information Registry (CIR) during the same period.

Source: Knews

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