articles | 19 March 2021

Total of 43,448 patients in Cyprus received public inpatient care in first six months

A total of 43,448 patients have received inpatient care services in the first six months of the inclusion of the inpatient care to the General Healthcare System, according to the Health Insurance Organization (HIO).

In particular, according to the data 8,800 patients underwent general surgery, 2,000 patients underwent orthopaedic surgery, 3,000 births (normal or caesarean section) took place, 2,200 patients who were on long-term waiting lists underwent open heart surgeries and 1,600 cancer patients received inpatient care services.

According to HIO, after 18 months of operation, the General Healthcare System operates today with the participation of more than 70% of active doctors in Cyprus as well as more than 88% of beds on a nationwide basis. In addition, the participation of laboratories and pharmacies reaches almost to 100% and to 95% respectively.

To date, 853,422 beneficiaries have registered with the System and are included in a list of a personal doctor, 756,440 have visited their personal doctors, 574,007 have visited specialist doctors, 333,080 have visited specialist doctors for diagnostic examinations, 606,083 beneficiaries have received medicines, 523.67 have received services from laboratories and 43,448 patients have received inpatient care services from June to December 2020.


Source: In-Cyprus


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