Speaking in front of the annual general meeting of the bank, Ackermann noted that the procedures for the bank’s induction are ongoing, and that there will be announcements in the future.
Addressing shareholder’s questions on the particular subject, both Ackermann and CEO John Patrick Hourican said that while they were in no position to specify the time of the London listing, there is the pending decision of withdrawing from the Athens Stock Exchange.
With regards to the possibility of the bank’s stocks being negotiated in two currencies, euro and sterling, Hourican said that the bank’s legal councils are examining all possible scenarios and that when the time comes, the right decisions will be made.
In his speech, Ackermann referred to six goals of the Managing Board after 1000 days, mentioning among others the need to decrease non-performing loans, and the full repayment of ELA as soon as possible.
Source: InCyprus