articles | 11 March 2020

Supermarkets in Cyprus see increase in business

The fast spread of coronavirus worldwide and the first confirmed cases in Cyprus have led consumers to rush to supermarkets all over the island to buy essential supplies, Phileleftheros reports.

Supermarket employees have said that after the announcement of the first outbreaks certain items became ‘very popular’ – such as antiseptics, pure alcohol, wet napkins, gloves, toilet paper and home cleaning supplies.

But the situation in Cyprus, they also said, is under control, and nothing compared to what’s happening in other countries where panic seems to prevail.

Pharmacies have also recorded an increase in sales of specific products, such as face masks and personal hygiene items.

The state of play at shopping malls is the exact opposite, with decreased traffic recorded compared with the same period last year, apparently as part of efforts to steer clear of crowds.

But this is something that could benefit smaller local stores even though analysts believe the coming months will see an overall decrease in sales of non-essential products, because of the virus fear as well as of the uncertainty that comes with it.

Consumption in Cyprus, just like in other countries, is expected to be on the decline over the coming months. That’s why supermarkets and shopping malls monitor the situation on a daily basis and take the necessary steps so as to both prevent and maintain a sufficient stock of products on demand.

Restaurants and entertainment centres may also take a blow after the government decided to restrict  indoor gatherings to up to 75 people, although part of these losses may be covered through food delivery services.

All in all, trade representatives have complained that they were not informed of the strict measures taken, nor were they asked to submit any views or proposals.

Source: In-Cyprus

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