articles | 29 November 2021

So far 81% of adult population in Cyprus vaccinated

So far 81% of the adult population in Cyprus have been fully fascinated while 107,387 people have received the third dose of the vaccine against Covid-19, Christina Giannaki, Secretary General of the Health Ministry said.

So far 107,387 people had the third dose administered. She said there is an increase of 33.2% in vaccinations in ages 12 – 15 with at least the 1st dose and in ages 16 – 17 the increase is at 45.6%.

She also said that around 20 December, vaccines for children 5-11 will arrive and their vaccination will begin with walk-in and then mobile units will be taken to schools.

She noted that the number of people who have received the booster shot increases every day and she reminded that on Saturday a big walk-in center will operate in the wine villages in Pachna.

Source: In-Cyprus


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