According to PDMO data, the value of the applications was significantly more than the publication limit of €10 million, while 90% involved applications of foreign investors.
Specifically, 46 applications were received for a total amount of €17.457.800. Of the 46 applications received, 39 were submitted by Cypriots and 7 applications from foreign investors.
The value of each individual application ranged from €6.000 to €2.500.000. Of the total amount of €17.457.800, €15.800.000 involved applications of foreign investors.
The publication of six year government bonds for physical persons will continue with the 6th series, with a publication limit of 10.000.000, which will be published on 1 June 2016. The application period will last from 3-20 May 2016.
Source: InCyprus