Average daily spending also presented an increase of 3.4% in July, in contrast to the average duration of stay, which decreased by 5.1%. Average total spending per visitor was estimated at €825 in July 2015 compared with €841 per person in July 2014.
The seven-month period January – July 2015 showed a revenue decrease of 2.4% (€1.07 billion) in 2015 compared to €1.1 billion in the corresponding period of 2014.
A study of the figures shows that the actual decrease in daily spending is a marginal 0.6%. However, the decline in the average length of stay by 7.8% for the period January – July 2015 compared to the same period last year, is what brings the figure up to 2.4%.
Looking at traditional markets, money spent by UK travellers in Cyprus rose by 1.5% in the same seven-month period, which when broken down shows a significant increase of 9.4% in their daily spending and a 7.2% decrease in the duration of their stay.
On the other hand, Russian tourists visiting Cyprus in January – July 2015 stayed an average of 7.1% fewer days on the island and spent 10.5% less per day compared to the same period in 2014, therefore the average expenditure of this group presents a decreased of 16.9% compared to January – July 2014.
Source: InCyprus