articles | 19 October 2021

Shipping Minister explains strategic vision

Vasilis Demetriades, Deputy Minister of Shipping, is explaining the government’s strategic vision for Cypriot shipping. He said that new facts are making the sector even more resilient through targeted actions and approaches.

He noted that the target is to make Cyprus an important and strong player in forming the shipping policy with positive influence on global shipping issues and an attractive shipping hub aiming at viable growth.

The Sea Change 2030 is the strategic vision expressing a change of view, of operation but also adjustment to new conditions as impose by the new challenges.

He also added that Cyprus is now introducing a new approach in the bilateral relations with other shipping countries. Furthermore, the Ministry has introduced an online platform of ongoing negotiation and communication with the shipping industry and non-governmental organizations. In this way, he said, they can listen to the concerns and positions of various parties so that these are taken into consideration in the country’s relevant policies.

Another action that the Ministry is thinking of is the establishment of a shipping company of limited responsibility so that the companies will be registered there, while the Ministry will offer a One Stop Shop Service. The idea is to have everything under the Ministry’s umbrella something that will make it more effective.

Source: In-Cyprus

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