articles | 08 December 2017

Share of tax-to-GDP revenue rises to 33.6% in 2016

The share of government revenue from taxation and in the form of social contributions rose to 33.6% last year from 33.2% in 2015, the European Commission’s statistical office said.

Despite the increase, the share of tax to economic output in Cyprus was the seventh lowest in the EU together with that of Malta last year, right behind Spain’s 34.1% and ahead of Slovakia’s 32.4%, Eurostat said in a statement on its website. The EU average was 40 % and that in the euro area was 41.3%.

France topped the list last year with 47.6% followed by Denmark with 47.3% and Belgium with 46.8%, Eurostat said. The lowest ratio of tax to gross domestic product (GDP) was that of Ireland with 23.8% followed by Romania and Bulgaria with 26% and 29% respectively.

Taxes on production and imports accounted last year in Cyprus 15.4% of economic output which included value added tax revenue with 9.2%, Eurostat said. Revenue from taxes on income was 9.7% of the economy, broken down to 2.9% on taxes on individuals or household income and 5.8% on profits of corporations, including taxes on holding gains. The share of net social contributions was 8.5%.

The ratio of revenue from corporate taxation of Cyprus, which often faces criticism over its comparably low corporate tax rate of 12.5%, was the second-highest in the EU, right behind Malta’s 6.5%, Eurostat said.

In the EU, the share of taxes on production and imports was on average 13.6% last year compared to 13.2% in the euro area, Eurostat said.

Taxes on income and wealth were 13% of the EU’s GDP and 12.6% of that of the euro area. Lastly, taxes on individual or household income was 9.3% and 9.2% of the EU’s and the euro area’s economy respectively while revenue from taxes on company income was in both cases 2.6%.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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