articles | 16 September 2021

SafePass required for in-person class at private unis

Private universities in Cyprus will accept students with a physical presence in the new academic year on presentation of a SafePass which will be required to enter university premises.

As the University of Nicosia announced on Thursday, the procedure will be followed in accordance with the ministry of health decrees.

More specifically, all laboratory courses will require the physical presence of the students, while most other courses will also require in-person procedures.

All the students will also be able to get the vaccine by appointment at the medical centre of the university.

The decision of the senate and the university council is in line with the decision of the cabinet taken on September 2, 2021, the decree issued by the Ministry of Health on September 3, 2021, as well as the student groups’ demands, it said.

According to the university, the protection of the members of the university community, and the upgrading of the educational level with respect to the personal data of the staff and the students are always their priorities.

The European University of Cyprus is on the same page.

Following a relevant decision, the Senate confirmed the beginning of the new academic year 2021-22 with the physical presence of the entire academic community at the EUC Campus.

This decision is subject to re-evaluation depending on the development of the epidemiological data of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Access to EUC Campus requires a SafePass both for the members of the university community, as well as for visitors of the campus.

European University Cyprus plans to reinforce the State’s effort and is encouraging its academic community to get vaccinated to combat the spread of the pandemic and its adverse consequences in Cyprus and the world.

UCLan Cyprus University also made a similar decision.

“UCLan Cyprus, the only British University in Cyprus, announces that the classes for the new academic year will be conducted with blended teaching and learning, aiming at the return of the students to the premises of the University in Larnaca,” an announcement said.

A necessary condition for entering the premises of the University will be the presentation of a SafePass as well.

The physical presence of teachers and students was also decided by Frederick University.

At the same time, the university said that students who will be tested positive or have come into contact with a confirmed case can attend courses through digital tools and the University’s hybrid classrooms.

As mentioned, the integration of mixed education practices in the educational process aims to provide flexibility regarding the epidemiological data and support to the University students and staff.

Regarding distance learning programmes, the Senate has decided that final exams will normally be conducted in person.

It has also been decided to support and promote the state’s vaccination scheme with special actions and the operation of rapid test units in consultation with the Ministry of Health for the better service of students, both in Nicosia and in Limassol.

The SafePass Certificate requirements are a vaccination certificate for Covid-19 with at least one dose administered, provided that three weeks have elapsed since the vaccination date. Official documentation in the case of persons who fell ill with Covid-19 within the last six months of initially being diagnosed as positive or a negative Covid-19 laboratory test or rapid antigen test result carried out within the last 72 hours.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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