articles | 28 December 2020

Road Tax renewals start 7 January

Vehicle owners can renew their road tax for 2021 as from January 7, the Road Transport Department has announced.

This can be done online, at commercial banks, at citizen’s services centres, district post offices and the headquarters and district offices of the Road Transport Department.

The last date for renewals is March 11, 2020. After that date there will be a surcharge. Police will start booking drivers without road tax from Wednesday, March 12.

Road tax can be renewed for three, six, nine or 12 months. Vehicles must have an MOT and insurance.

Those not planning on renewing their road tax should notify the department that they are immobilising their vehicle and submit the necessary form, alternatively they will owe the equivalent sum to the state.

In the event that a vehicle is scrapped, owners must apply to have its registration annulled by filling in the necessary form and submitting a certificate that it has been destroyed.

Source: In-Cyprus

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