articles | 05 September 2016

Retail trade volume in Cyprus up by 1.4% in June 2016

Retail trade increased in Cyprus by 1.4% in June 2016 compared to May 2016 and by 5.6% on an annual basis.

Data for July will be released next month. 

In July 2016, compared with June 2016, the seasonally adjusted volume of retail trade rose by 1.1% in the euro area (EA19) and by 1.0% in the EU28, according to Eurostat. In June the retail trade volume decreased by 0.1% in the euro area and by 0.2% in the EU28. In July 2016 compared with July 2015 the calendar adjusted retail sales index increased by 2.9% in the euro area and by 3.5% in the EU28.

The 1.1% increase in the volume of retail trade in the euro area in July 2016, compared with June 2016, is due to rises of 1.8% for automotive fuel, of 1.1% for ‘Food, drinks and tobacco’ and of 0.4% for non-food products. In the EU28, the 1.0% increase in the volume of retail trade is due to rises of 1.6% for automotive fuel, of 0.8% for ‘Food, drinks and tobacco’ and of 0.6% for non-food products. Among Member States for which data are available, the highest increases in total retail trade were registered in Luxembourg (+2.3%), Portugal (+1.8%) and Germany (+1.7%), while the largest decreases were observed in Slovakia (-1.1%), Sweden (-0.8%) and Denmark (-0.7%).

The 2.9% increase in the volume of retail trade in the euro area in July 2016, compared with July 2015, is due to rises of 3.2% for non-food products, of 2.2% for automotive fuel and of 1.8% for ‘Food, drinks and tobacco’. In the EU28, the 3.5% increase in retail trade volume is due to rises of 4.3% for non-food products, of 3.8% for automotive fuel and of 2.2% for ‘Food, drinks and tobacco’. Among Member States for which data are available, the highest increases in total retail trade were observed in Romania (+13.5%), Luxembourg (+12.2%) and Lithuania (+6.2%), while decreases were observed in Malta (-2.7%), Belgium (-1.8%), Denmark (-0.8%) and Slovakia (-0.6%).

Source: InCyprus

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