articles | 05 August 2021

Registered unemployed plunge 41.4%

In July, the number of registered unemployed in Cyprus decreased annually by over 13,000 (41.4%) to under 23,000, returning to pre-pandemic levels.

This is mainly due to major employers in the accommodation and food services sectors opening up.

At the same time, July was the first full month that the automatic renewal of unemployed registration by the Labour Department was terminated.

According to the Statistical Service (CyStat), the unemployed registered at the District Labour Offices on the last day of July reached 18,950.

Based on the seasonally adjusted data that show the trend of unemployment, the number of registered unemployed for July decreased to 22,778 from 26,429 in the previous month.

Compared to July 2020, a decrease of 13,363 persons or 41.4%, was recorded.

It is attributed mainly to the sector of accommodation and food service activities (-5,743), trade (-2,106), transportation and storage (-756), manufacturing (-704), administrative and support service activities (-518) and financial and insurance activities (-509).

Since June 15, 2021, the automatic renewal of registered unemployed ended and the online platform of the Public Employment Service was activated to allow the registration for job seekers and job vacancy registration.

Pre-Covid, the number of registered unemployed in July 2019 was 21,912.

Source: Financial Mirror

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