articles | 21 October 2021

Public urged to download app to help science gather data on pollinators

British Bases entomologist Kelly Martinou has urged nature lovers in Cyprus to download the recently launched Flower-Insect Timed (FIT) Count application to learn more about pollinators and help scientists collect data on them.

A statement released by the British Bases on Wednesday explained that the FIT Count mobile application was launched for the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme four months ago and after its huge success, it is now available in Cyprus in both English and Greek for iPhone and android users.

The latest version of the FIT Count app’ includes target flowers of Cypriot flora and extensive information about pollinators users are likely to encounter on island.

“To do a FIT Count, you simply count the insects that land on a patch of target flowers for 10 minutes and submit your data via the app,” Martinou said.

“FIT Counts provides a wonderful way for people to connect with nature. We are delighted to support the release of the app’ in Cyprus and to be working with others across the globe towards more standardised approaches for monitoring our precious pollinators.”

Furthermore, explaining the importance of pollinators and having the ability to better monitor them, Martinou added that pollinators are estimated to contribute around €177 billion to the global economy. Wild plants and more than 70 per cent of our crops depend on pollinators to produce seeds and fruits.

“Pollinators face many threats, such as habitat loss, pesticides and agricultural intensification, urbanisation, light pollution, invasive species and climate change and we have taken for granted the services that pollinators provide but that should not be the case, given how much we may lose if we lose them,” Martinou concluded.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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