articles | 30 August 2017

Public expenditure for education at 6.5% of GDP in 2014

Public expenditure in public and private education for 2014 stood at €1,142.2 millions, for all levels, which corresponds to 13.4% of the Government budget and 6.5% of the Gross Domestic Product, according to the annual report ‘Statistics of Education’ for the school year 2014/15.

The current public cost per pupil/student in public schools by level of education was as follows: Pre-school and Pre-primary €4,956, Primary €6,230, Secondary €9,611 and Tertiary €10,795.

At all levels of education, there were 1,311 educational institutions, 14,228 teachers and 178,116 pupils/students, giving a pupil/student to teacher ratio of 12.5.

Of the total number of pupils/students, 71.8% were enrolled in public/communal schools and 28.2% in private schools.

The enrolments of pupils/students by level of education were as follows: Pre-school and Pre-primary 29,628, Primary 53,426, Secondary 57,161, Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary 347, Tertiary 37,166 and Special education 388.

Cypriot students studying at Tertiary Educational Institutions of Cyprus reached 23,980, whereas foreign students numbered 13,186. From the total number of students, 83.9% were studying in University Institutions and 16.1% in Non-University Tertiary Educational Institutions.

Source: InCyprus

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