Later, Lakkotrypis will lead a Cypriot mission at the 23rd MITT during which he will have a series of meetings with representatives of big tour operators in Russia, an official press release says.
He is set to present them with the island’s tourist prospects and discuss enhancing their tourist plans and the available passenger places allocated for Cyprus.
On Wednesday afternoon he will have a meeting with Russian 1st Deputy Energy Minister Alexey Texler whom he will brief on developments and prospects of the Eastern Mediterranean for hydrocarbons as well as on the third licensing round forblocks within Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
On Wednesday evening the Cypriot Minister will take part in a meeting at the Russian Federation’s Chamber of Commerce premises. Russian Oil & Gas Production Union President and Deputy Director of the Chamber’s Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Department will also take part in the meeting among others.
Source: Famagusta Gazette