articles | 02 December 2019

Project launched to protect Cyprus Griffon vultures

An EU funded project has been launched to protect the vulnerable Cyprus Griffon vulture population, estimated at 20 to 25 individuals.

The four-year project titled ‘LIFE with Vultures’ is funded by the LIFE programme and aims to address the major threats facing the Griffon Vultures of Cyprus and ensure the recovery of the critically-low population. The aim is to create a sustainable population by tackling critical threats such as poisoning and restocking the population by transporting birds from Spain.

It is being implemented by BirdLife Cyprus,the Game and Fauna Service, Terra Cypria and the Vulture Conservation Foundation.

“These last three days have marked the beginning of the project, as partners had their first meeting in Cyprus and had the chance to present the project and its actions to various stakeholders, key to the project’s success,” BirdLife Cyprus said on its Facebook page.

And it added: “Yesterday, we visited areas in Limassol and Paphos districts important for the feeding and nesting of vultures, where we also had the opportunity to enjoy these magnificent creatures as they flew over our heads and rested on the cliffs. This project will serve as a lifeline to the species and we are excited to be part of this effort. Stay tuned for project news and developments. Here’s to a #LIFEwithVultures!”

The Vulture Conservation Foundation said: “For the past three days, we were in Cyprus for the kick-off meeting of LIFE With Vultures, a project aiming to protect the vulnerable Griffon Vulture population of 20-25 individuals remaining on the island. This #LIFEProject seeks to prevent the extinction of Griffon Vultures on the island and create a sustainable population by tackling critical threats such as poisoning and restocking the population by transporting birds from Spain."

Source: In-Cyprus

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