articles | 14 May 2021

Positivity rate dramatically drops, all indicators show improvement

Cyprus’ positivity rate has dramatically reduced from about 1.2% to 0.2%, the weekly national report showed on Friday, and according to the health ministry that is due to a combination of lockdowns and vaccinations.

The ministry’s analysis of the data covers the two weeks up until May 11.

Across the board, the main epidemiological points of concern show improvement – such as the lower 14-day cumulative diagnosis rate, which now stands at 689 per 100,000, compared to 1,034 per 100,000 previously.

Compared to last week’s report, there were about a third fewer cases recorded (6,121 compared to 9,186).

But the new data means that Cyprus remains in the ECDC’s ‘dark red’ zone, as its 14-day cumulative Covid-19 diagnosis rate exceeds 500.

A whopping 97,313 PCR and 698,772 rapid tests were carried out, translating to 78,690 rapid tests per 100,000 people.

Close to all cases were locally acquired, at 98.6% and of those infected in the two-week period just over half were women, at 51.7%.

Those aged over 60 accounted for 12.1% of the cases, while the broad age group of 20-59 had 68.3% of the positives. Those aged 0-19 accounted for 19.6%.

Over the two weeks Nicosia accounted for 38.3% of cases (with 2,341) while Limassol had 1,698 cases with 27.7%. Famagusta accounted for just 3.7%.

The average age of hospital patients admitted to ICUs was 67 and mainly male, at 66%, while the median length of stay was 13 days.

As of May 12, there were 38 people in the ICU of which 68.4% had underlying health conditions.

For those hospitalised with Covid-19 in general, the average age is 62 of whom 58.5% are male.

Of those hospitalised 55% have comorbidities.

As for the for the deaths, the case fatality risk stands at 0.5% and an associated mortality of 38.5 per 100,000.

Two thirds of those who died from Covid-19 are men, with 226 as of May 11 from the 342 in total, while Limassol and Nicosia have just over a third of the recorded deaths each, with 36.6% and 34.8% respectively.

At the other end, Paphos has recorded 23 deaths equating to 6.7% of the total.

Source: Cyprus Mail


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