Cypriot industry is a stable pillar of the economy, said the energy and commerce minister Natasa Pilides on Friday after a meeting with prominent industrialists in Limassol.
“The government is currently strengthening its cooperation with industrialists, in order to boost our economic growth,” she said.
“We are also focusing on innovation and promoting a smarter and greener approach to the industry, a policy that we included in our ten-year plan, hoping to achieve significant results by 2030.”
She said Friday’s meeting was also a way to check on issues that industrialists encountered over the past year, issues that Pilides vowed to investigate.
She said the discussions had been constructive and that quick and practical solutions would be found for any concerns that were voiced.
“Many ideas were already discussed, some of which have been implemented, in collaboration with the legal service, as we are looking at ways to modernise the way in which we manage industrial areas, often dealing with issues regarding lack of cleanliness, limited parking and lack if green spaces,” Pilides said.
Asked about the effects of the pandemic on the Cypriot industry, she admitted that the lockdown and restrictions had negatively impacted exports and production.
“However, I want to reassure everyone that our industry is stable and that our economy can count on it to recover from what has been a very tough year for everyone.”
Source: Cyprus Mail