articles | 09 November 2021

People aged 50+, diabetics and those who received the J&J vaccine can get booster shot as of today

People over 50 years of age, those who were vaccinated with the Johnson&Johnson vaccine and diabetics are able to receive their booster COVID-19 vaccine from today onwards, provided six months have passed since they completed their original vaccination.

In statements to CNA, the Health Ministry’s communications consultant Constantinos Athanasiou clarified that the booster shot will be an mRNA technology vaccine, either Pfizer or Moderna

He added that national health system (GeSY) beneficiaries will be able to be vaccinated in all walk in centres across Cyprus without needing to make an appointment from Monday to Thursday, between 08:00 hours and 13:00 hours. People who are not beneficiaries of GeSY will be able to have the booster shot administered on Friday.

In the meantime, a pilot implementation of checking people’s SafePass through the application CovScan begins today until November 22, when it will be become mandatory. The app will scan the QR code contained within the European Digital Certificate for COVID-19.

Source: In-Cyprus


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