articles | 12 November 2020

Partial lockdowns in Limassol, Paphos, migrant camps

The Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou announced stricter measures late on Wednesday night, with restrictions to be even harsher in the Limassol and Paphos districts that have developed into the epicentres of the island’s recent pandemic flare-up.

Specifically, localised lockdowns were imposed in Limassol and Paphos, and migrant camps.

Ioannou said that on top of measures already in place, which are to be extended until November 30, new measures will come into effect on Thursday.

These include the suspension of the operation of children’s playareas, theme and luna parks; the prohibition of conferences, exhibitions, and events; the prohibition of visits to nursing homes, care centres for the vulnerable, homeless shelters, and day care centers, though two visits a weeks are permitted to disabled persons, while more may be allowed in extremely necessary circumstances. Additionally, camping sites will suspend operation.

Migrant camps were also placed under lockdown, effectively barring the entry or exit of residents, though new residents will be allowed to enter the camps, while exit will be permitted for humanitarian or medical reasons on condition that permission is granted by the interior ministry.

Further, retail food and drink businesses (supermarkets, mini-markets, butchers) and pharmacies will until 10am only serve people over 65 years old and the disabled.

Stricter measures on Limassol, Paphos

In the Limassol and Paphos districts, much stricter measures will be in place from Thursday until November 30.

These include a curfew from 8pm until 5am, with exceptions to be made for medical or professional reasons.

Additionally, Limassol and Paphos residents are prohibited from traveling to other districts, with the exception of the travels of workers in essential services, or for medical reasons (upon presentation of a medical certificate), or for the transfer of persons to and from the Larnaca and Paphos Airports and the Limassol Port.

Gatherings at public spaces are prohibited, while up to 10 people can gather at private homes. Visits to public and private hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centres are also prohibited.

Church services will be conducted without the presence of the faithful, while ceremonies including weddings, baptisms and funerals can take place with a maximum attendance of 10 people, and no meals can be offered to celebrate the events.

Public and private secondary schools, as well as higher education centres will be suspended on November 16, and distance learning will be conducted, while lower educational levels will continue as normal.

Public transport will work to 50% capacity.

Public services will operate with skeleton crews and will only deal with emergency cases, though vital public services will continue operating as normal.

Food and drink spots such as restaurants and bars will be suspending operation, though delivery services and take-away will be permitted.

Archaeological spaces, museums, and historical sites will suspend operation, as will indoor and outdoor theatres, amphitheatres, cinemas.

Malls, department stores, shops larger than 500 square metres, beauty and tattoo parlours, hairdressers and barbershops, gyms, driving schools, betting shops, casinos, swimming pools will all be suspending operation.

The Limassol port will operate only for commercial transactions and activities, while passengers of cruiseships are not allowed to disembark.

Training sessions and sports events are prohibited for people under 18.

Source: Knews


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