articles | 10 February 2022

Paphos goes ‘door to door’ with new recycling app

Paphos municipality and Green Dot Cyprus have partnered up to encourage recycling and provide Paphos town and its suburbs with a ‘door to door’ environmentally clean municipal solid waste management system.

The new ‘Recycling CY’ application is now live, allowing Paphos residents to receive timely and accurate information regarding the collection of PMD materials (plastic packaging, metal packaging, drinks cartons, etc.) and paper from their neighbourhood and home.

Through the app, the public can also be notified about the Green Point locations of battery recycling containers, as well as the disposal of glass objects and used clothing. The Recycling CY app is available to download for free from the App Store and Play Store and can be navigated in both Greek and English.

At a press conference held at the Paphos town hall, Paphos mayor, Phedonas Phedonos, and chairman of the board of Green Dot Cyprus, Vasilis Petrides, presented special packages containing eco-friendly recycling bags for paper and PMD materials, as well as information on proper bag usage and a detailed map outlining the municipality’s collection routes and dates.

In his address, the mayor highlighted the growing importance of recycling and reducing the harm to everyone’s health caused by the careless and disorderly dumping of hazardous waste, as well as the value of everyone’s personal participation, and the preservation of the natural environment.

“Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations,” said Phedonos. “I am confident that Paphos residents are concerned about environmental issues and will respond positively to this initiative.”

According to Petrides, “the PMD and paper categories are collected door to door on a weekly basis, provided the materials are placed in the appropriate bags, which are available from all supermarkets.”

The new, specialised waste management system, according to Phedonos, is “another step toward making Paphos a beautiful and sustainable city to be proud of”.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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