articles | 02 July 2021

Over 100,000 Cypriots got an EU Green Pass

One in ten Cypriots has obtained the EU Digital Covid Certificate introduced to facilitate smoother and safer travel across the European Union.

A ministry of Innovation official told the Financial Mirror that in just two days since the online platform was launched on 1 July, 100,000 people had obtained their EUDCC.

EU passengers flying within the bloc, including Cyprus, must hold a Covid-19 digital green pass to be allowed entry into member states, said the Transport Ministry.

Countries have six weeks to fix glitches, allowing for paper documents to be used where issues persist.

The document will be valid for 12 months and are necessary for the movement within the 27-member bloc, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland.

Cypriots can get a EUDCC following a user-friendly four-step procedure, provided they hold:

A vaccination certificate proving the holder’s vaccination scheme has been completed with the required number of doses and days, as determined by the Ministry of Health.

Only vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EEA) and Sputnik V or Sinopharm (BBIBP COVID-19) vaccines are accepted.

A negative PCR – RT laboratory test certificate not older than 72 hours before the trip.

Holders of PCR laboratory test certificates, whether digital or not.

Passengers must also register on the electronic platform CyprusFlightPass.

Holders of a Green Pass will digitally save their document onto an online mobile application that national health authorities will update with the holder’s details.

The application Wallet, COVPASS, is pending approval from Google Play and Apple.

It will scan a QR code on the EUDCC, which can then be scanned from a mobile phone every time a passenger walks through an entry or exit of an EU country.

The digital certificate can easily be obtained online, printed, or downloaded to an application.

There is a four-step process that begins by clicking on

Users enter their details and are guided through the process before sent a digital document containing a QR code confirming their digital pass.

Source: Financial Mirror


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