articles | 20 December 2016

Online bookingplatform for weddings a success, the only international platform for booking a date for a civil wedding instantly, was recently launched with great success.

The platform, which aims to contribute to the growth of wedding tourism in Cyprus, enables tour operators, wedding planners and couples to instantly book their desired date with the click of a button and choose the ideal venue for them. The automation of the date booking process that the platform offers not only eliminates the waiting time but also minimizes the bureaucratic procedures that usually discourage couples looking to wed abroad., not only facilitates the couples who want to get married abroad, but it also has a positive impact on Town Halls, hotels and other licensed venues for wedding ceremonies, while it gives them the opportunity to be promoted through the only service of its kind in the world, at no cost. Additionally, the platform provides them with important information and statistics in real time, helping them avoid multiple bookings that have resulted in many cancellations in the past. During the first few weeks that the platform went live, it exceeded all initial estimations, as it attracted a great number of visitors mainly from abroad.

The platform is expected to develop the wedding tourism market in Cyprus and Greece, from the countries that currently participating on it. Additionally, the team of has already started promoting the innovative platform to UK-based tour operators, since the UK is considered the biggest market, while the promotion in Russia, Lebanon and Israel is in progress. Therefore, the platform is expected to provide hotels and other venues with increased visibility while the wedding tourism in Cyprus is expected to bloom in the next few months.

The idea and creation of was an initiative of Ms. Maria Evripides, founder and CEO of the platform, who has many years of experience and expertise in the tourism industry. Her business instinct, in combination with her strategic vision, was of crucial importance to turn the idea into an actual project. It is important to mention that as part of the strategic approach, the team of actively participated in the World Travel Market exhibition that recently took place in London. The team, who was constantly informing everyone who was visiting the Cyprus Tourism Organization’s stand, had a truly impressive presence.

“I am very satisfied and happy that what started as an idea has now been turned into an actual project and is supporting everyone who wish to book a wedding day in Cyprus and Greece”, Ms. Maria Evripides stated. “The team of is working really hard in order to inform all stakeholders about the numerous benefits they can gain from using the platform. It is important to mention that most of the municipalities are very willing to help in the development of wedding tourism, something that significantly enhances our work, as the collaboration of all stakeholders is the key for the success of I firmly believe that will be a really useful tool for all stakeholders while at the same time it will place Cyprus on the international radar as an ideal wedding destination. Wedding tourism in Cyprus has already started blooming and I am positive that will be very beneficial, as it solves the problem of the long waiting time for Cyprus”.

Visit the platform:

Source: InCyprus

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