Official launch of the next Horizon Europe – Programme in Cyprus will take place April 7, a press release by the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy says.
Horizon Europe, covering the period 2021-27, is the biggest Research and Innovation funding programme of the European Union, which sets the best minds in Europe and the rest of the world to work to deliver excellent solutions to the key issues of our time, supporting the EU’s policy priorities and building a better future for the next generation in Europe.
Building on the success of Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, with a total budget of almost €95.5 billion for 2021-2027, provides a wealth of opportunities for the public and private sectors in Cyprus, as well as for the public in general.
The virtual event, celebrating the official launch of the next Framework – Programme in Cyprus, brings together speakers from the European Commission (EC) and the national R&I ecosystem and includes interventions by political and governmental officials with the aim of mobilizing the local research and entrepreneurial community for the Horizon Europe and its articulation with national R&I initiatives.
Deputy Minister Kyriakos Kokkinos and European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel will deliver speeches.
The event will give an insight to the upcoming Programme, highlighting the main activity lines, the novelties and the keys to success. EC experts will present its main pillars and will be available for Q&A.
In addition, a panel discussion with policy makers and other relevant stakeholders will reflect on how to enhance the commercialization of research results and foster business creation, inter alia, via exploiting opportunities offered by the Horizon Europe. Finally, on the concluding remarks EC and national officials will reflect on what is there to be gained for the local R&I ecosystem as well as the synergies with other programmes at national and EU level.
The event will also be an occasion to know all about the available services offered by the National Contact Points to support Cypriot applicants and participants in the Horizon Europe.
Source: In-Cyprus