The number of pupils per teacher at primary level in Cyprus is slightly below the EU average, Eurostat reported on Wednesday.
Across the EU, the average number of pupils per teacher at primary level decreased from 14.3 in 2017 to 13.6 in 2018, though the figures vary across EU member states. The highest pupil-teacher ratios in 2018 were reported in Romania (19.5), Czechia and France (both 19.2).
At the other end of the range, the lowest ratios were recorded in Luxembourg (9.0), Greece (9.2) and Poland (9.6).
Cyprus is ranked 16th among the 27 member states with a ratio of 12.6.
In 2018, at primary education level, there were 24.5 million pupils and 1.8 million teachers in the EU countries.
Source: Cyprus Mail