articles | 16 January 2020

Number of flu jabs doubled, according to health authorities

More than double the number of people received flu vaccinations this year compared with the same period last year, while type A cases are limited and not serious, the head of the state medical services, Elisavet Constantinou, said on Wednesday.

In statements to the media on Wednesday, Constantinou said that more than double the number of people got flu shots this year in comparison with the same period of 2019.

The head of the medical services also urged people who did not get vaccinated and belong to vulnerable groups, to do so as soon as possible as the antibodies take up to two weeks to develop after the shot.

A total of 118 cases of type A flu were recorded between December 30 and January 12, Constantinou said.

“Flu cases are expected during this period,” she said.

Constantinou said so far this year there have been mild flu cases and fewer patients who were only hospitalised for just one or two days.

“Only six cases were more serious,” Constantinou said, “with one of them still being treated in hospital.”

Most patients were reported in Limassol and they concerned children under 15 years of age.

Constantinou also suggested measures that individuals can take to avoid getting infected or spreading the virus.

Such measures include airing the rooms at home and at the workplace, frequent and systematic hand washing and covering the mouth with a napkin when sneezing.

People who experience flu symptoms are advised to avoid public places.

Source: Cyprus Mail


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