articles | 29 January 2020

November arrivals increase 18.4% from 2018

Total arrivals of travellers last November reached 309,952 compared to 261,765 in November 2018, recording an increase of 18.4%, according to the Cyprus Statistical Service.

The increase is mainly attributed to arrivals of tourists (6.7%) as well as returns of residents of Cyprus (14.7%). An increase in arrivals of travellers (3.0%) was also recorded in October 2019 when they reached a total of 582,861.

For the period of January–November 2019 arrivals totalled 5.5 million compared to 5.3 million in the corresponding period of 2018, recording an increase of 3.8%.

During the same period, an increase of 0.9% was recorded in tourist arrivals and 8,3% in the return of residents of Cyprus.

As for departures of travellers, an increase of 14.7% was recorded in November 2019 as compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, as well as an increase of 3.8% for the period January–November 2019.

Source: In-Cyprus

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