articles | 04 December 2017

New research centre opens in Cyprus

A new research centre on Interactive media, Smart systems and Emerging technologies (RISE) has opened in Nicosia – it is hoped the centre will rejuvenate a deprived area, very close to the buffer zone.

The joint venture is between the three public universities of Cyprus (University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, Open University of Cyprus), the Municipality of Nicosia, and two international partners, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (Germany) and University College London (UK). 

The Mayor of Nicosia said RISE underlines the role of local societies in promoting knowledge. 

RISE Scientific Coordinator, Associate Professor Yiorgos Chrysanthou said the initial team will be formed by academics from the partner institutions, and the aim is to have 120 people ina few years, helping thus the fight of unemployment and preventing brain drain.

The centre will be hosted in the building of the old municipal market, in the old part of Nicosia.

Source: Famagusta Gazette

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