articles | 16 May 2014

New CTO quality scheme underway

The Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO) is introducing the notion of ‘mystery guests’ as part of a new scheme to reward ‘quality’ establishments.

The scheme titled ‘Cyprus Tourism Quality (CTQ) Label’ aims at rewarding quality in tourism related enterprises that adopt a series of set criteria and offer proven added value service, beyond any legal obligations such as those, for example, of a specific hotel star classification.

Awarded enterprises will be permitted to quote and display their CTQ Label logo and use it in their marketing, promotional and wider business activities, the CTO said.

For clients or consumers the display of a CTQ Label at the entrance of an enterprise would indicate a quality experience “verified through a rigorous process”, and appraised by the CTO.

The CTQ Label Scheme will apply initially to classified 3*, 4*, 5* Hotels and Deluxe / A’ Class Hotel apartments and Tourist Villages. This covers 76.3% of the licensed bed capacity.

The label comes in two levels – silver and gold. The assessment will be carried out by experienced CTO inspectors. Stage B assessment will be carried out via a ‘mystery guest’ inspection, without the enterprise’s prior knowledge.

The CTO said it had evaluated similar tourism quality schemes, applied by European National Tourism Organisations, as well as HOTREC, an umbrella association of national trade associations representing the hotels, restaurants, cafés and similar establishments in Europe.

The CTQ scheme has been developed by the CTO, in cooperation with the Cyprus hotel industry stakeholder associations, with the contribution of the Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation (CYS).

Source: Cyprus Mail

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