articles | 08 February 2022

Most Cypriots want European Parliament to play more important role

Almost 90% of Cypriots said they would personally like to see the European Parliament play a more important role in the future, according to the latest Eurobarometer.

Released on Monday in Brussels, the survey showed that Greeks and Cypriots want a more important role for the European Parliament with percentages significantly higher than the European average. Specifically, the percentage in Cyprus is as high as 89% and 70% in Greece compared to the 58% European average.

The barometer also showed that six out of 10 Cypriots consider public health as top priority for the European Parliament.

Second-placed it fighting poverty and social exclusion with 50% and, thirdly, the economy and labour positions issue (46%).

At the same time, 71% of the Mediterranean island’s respondents said the country has benefited from EU membership.

Moreover, the majority of respondents in Cyprus said they would like to be further informed about how European funds are spent in their country (63%). As well as about their rights as European citizens (58%).

In addition, two in five Cypriots want to know more about what the EU is doing to protect democracy and the rule of law.

Source: In-Cyprus

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