articles | 13 May 2020

More Cypriots living in houses rather than flats

In 2018, 26.6% of people in Cyprus lived in flats — below the EU 27 average of 46%, according to figures published by Eurostat on Wednesday.

The same figures show, that 43.6% of people in Cyprus live in houses — more than twice the EU average of 35% and 28.5% in semi detached houses, again above the EU 27 average.

Eurostat notes that during these times of coronavirus pandemic, the social distancing measures imposed across Europe to limit the spread of the virus have forced people to stay at home.

In 2018, 46% of the EU population lived in flats, while a small majority of people lived in houses. Just over one third (35%) of the population lived in detached houses and almost one fifth (19%) lived in semi-detached or terraced houses.

Flats were the preferred residence type in nine Member States, notably in Latvia (66%), Spain (65%), Estonia (62%) and Greece (61%). The lowest shares were recorded in Ireland (8%) and the Netherlands (20%).

By contrast, more than two thirds of the population lived in detached houses in Croatia (70%), followed by Slovenia (66%), Hungary and Romania (both 65%), Denmark (53%), Poland and Slovakia (both 50%).

The Netherlands (58%) and Ireland (52%) were the only EU Member States where more than half of the population lived in a semi-detached house in 2018.

7 out of 10 persons lived in an owner-occupied residence

In 2018, seven out of every ten (70%) persons in the EU lived in a house or flat they owned. There were more owners than tenants in every EU Member State in 2018, with the highest shares of owners in Romania (96%), Slovakia (91%), Croatia and Lithuania (both 90%) and the lowest shares in Germany (51%) and Austria (55%).

Source: In-Cyprus

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