articles | 05 June 2019

Minister presents tourism action plan

Tourism Minister Savvas Perdios recently presented a 10-year plan aimed at boosting the island’s tourism product that includes short, medium, and long-term.

“The first phase, which is short-term, covers the period from now until 2022 and includes actions which are easy to implement, such as branding and marketing,” he told reporters after presenting the plan to the cabinet. “The next period is from 2023 until 2025 and the long-term period from 2026 until 2030.”

Perdios said the plan concerns all actions Cyprus should undertake to upgrade its product over the next decade.

All stakeholders have been consulted over the past few months, and all information has been collected, the minister said.

Now the necessary actions will be divided and the view of other ministries will be sought, as many issues concern more than one ministry.

The minister also presented the department’s new structure that will be in place from the present until a staffing study is completed in 2020.

“The purpose of the new structure is to be able to function as efficiently as possible by taking advantage of all the financial and human resources of our team, without, however, putting any more burden on the finances of the ministry and the public.”

Asked about tourist arrivals this year, Perdios said it appears numbers will be slightly lower than last year, though the number of flights has increased.

“There are 50,000 more seats than last year,” he pointed out.

As reasons for the decrease, he cited the fall of the Russian ruble, Brexit, and problems with the German market.

He said despite this reduction more hotels have opened and more beds are available.

The ministry is working hard at halting this negative trend and has opened up new markets in the Middle East, including in countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt.

Perdios expressed the hope that Cyprus will be moving to more distant markets by the end of the year.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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