articles | 13 March 2017

Limassol gets EU cash boost for make-over

A series of projects coordinated by the Limassol Development Company (ANELEM) will see millions in EU funds being used to help make communities in the district more attractive to tourists.

The projects aim to “stimulate their economies” according to ANELEM.

ANELEM Director Rakis Pieridis has revealed that €5.6million will be spent on developing communities dependent on agricultural and fishing pursuits. The relevant funds were obtained through the EU’s ‘LEADER’ programme for 2014-2020.

LEADER (links between the rural economy and development actions) is a development method which allows local stakeholders to develop an area by using its endogenous development potential.

Of the €5.6m awarded to ANELEM, Pieridis said €3.3m will be used to finance the construction of youth centres, information bureaus and community squares, while also being used to promote agrotourism through the partial financing of private initiatives.

The owners of accommodation, cafes, restaurants, and shops selling traditional goods will be able to apply for up to 50% of the funding they need to improve their establishments to better attract local and overseas visitors.

Efforts also include professional training for those in the agrotourism and tourism industry, including in the production and sale of traditional goods, environmental awareness and business as well as on new technology and social media.

For the fishing-centred communities, €2.3m will be spent towards the creation of fish taverns and on helping fishermen expand and diversify their skills through professional courses. These include encouraging fishermen to consider entering the scuba diving tourism industry.

Pieridis underlined the importance of creating what he described as a brand name for the Limassol district, showcasing its unique character and points of comparative advantage over other areas.

Source: InCyprus

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