articles | 03 August 2022

Limassol a climate-neutral, Smart City by 2030

Limassol Municipality has set high goals towards achieving climate neutrality by selecting to join the EU Mission for climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030.

Following a highly competitive process, in which there was overwhelming interest from 377 cities around Europe, Limassol was selected as one of the 100 ‘Climate Neutral and Smart Cities’.

Cities play a crucial role in climate neutrality because although they occupy only 4% of the EU land area, they host 75% of its population.

In addition, they consume over 65% of global energy and account for more than 70% of global CO2 emissions.

As climate change mitigation depends on urban action, the EU has decided to support cities in accelerating their green and digital transformation.

The Mission aims to make the participating cities climate neutral and smart by 2030, in areas such as energy, waste management, transport, and buildings, to improve the quality of life.

The 100 cities will have to develop climate contracts with an overall plan for climate neutrality in areas such as energy, buildings, waste management and transport, along with related investment plans.

Through “HORIZON EUROPE” and the research and innovation program 2021-2027, and other related funding opportunities, the EU will finance 100 cities to start innovation actions toward climate neutrality by 2030.

In recognition of The Cyprus Institute’s contributions to this success, and due to the important role CyI can play for the Municipality’s participation in the Mission, it was jointly decided to take on the role of scientific coordinator.

This collaboration was solidified in a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Municipality of Limassol and The Cyprus Institute.

Source: Financial Mirror

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