articles | 21 September 2018

Less than 9% of Cyprus’ energy is from RES

Cyprus is among the four EU countries in which less than 10% of electricity consumed in 2016 came from renewable energy sources, a Eurostat report just released revealed.

Malta is at the bottom of the list with 6%. Luxembourg and Hungary both produced 7% and Cyprus 8.6%.

Five of the member states generated more than half of their electricity from renewables, Austria (73%), Sweden (65%), Portugal and Denmark (both around 54%) and Latvia with 51%.

Of all renewable electricity generated during the year most, 36.9%, came from hydro power, closely followed by wind power (31.8%). Solar lags far behind with 11.6% and the rest, 19.7%, is generated in various other ways.

Norway is the only European country which produces more than it needs, 104.7%. Nearly all of this, 99%, comes from hydropower. Iceland, which produces a third of its electricity from geothermal sources, comes close with 95.3%.

European Union targets are to reach a 20% RES share by 2020. Under the provisions Cyprus must achieve a 13% share by then.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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