articles | 17 July 2017

June 2017 arrivals up 14% hitting new record

The number of tourist arrivals rose last month 14% to 472,450, the highest ever recorded in June, compared to the respective month of 2016, among saturation signs from the UK and Russia, the two major sources of incoming tourism, the statistical service said.

The increase in June was mainly on a rise in arrivals from all countries excluding the UK and Russia, which rose an annual 58% to 209,369, Cystat said in a statement on its website on Monday. Arrivals from the UK, traditionally the main source of incoming tourism, rose 1.2% to 150,532 while those from Russia rose 2.1% to 129,890.

Arrivals from Israel rose 89% last month to 28,044 compared with June 2016, while those from Sweden, Germany and Greece rose 25% to 21,136, 93% to 18,363, and 9.8% to 18,185 respectively, Cystat said. On the antipode, arrivals from Ukraine and France dropped an annual 28% to 7,382 and 19% to 2,772 respectively.

From January to June, total arrivals rose 17% to 1,463,206 compared to the respective six-month period last year, Cystat said. Arrivals from the UK rose 9.7% in the first half of the year, while those from Russia rose 11% to 332,982.

In June, the share of visitors from the UK and Russia in total arrivals accounted for 32% and 28% compared with 36% and 31%, Cystat said. In the first six months of the year, the share of British and Russian tourists visiting Cyprus shrank to 35% and 23% from 37% and 23% a year before.

In a separate statement, Cystat said that the number of Cypriots who travelled abroad last month rose an annual 9.4% in June to 110,235.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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